Building An Earthship In Darfield, B.C.

We are a family of five living in Darfield, BC.
Our house is six hundred square feet in total and we are feeling cramped.

We have decided to build an earthship!

So starts the adventure ...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Clearwater was a winner!

On Thursday we hooked up the trailer and headed to Clearwater...46 tires! Unfortunately they shipped about 300 the day before. Bummed Chris out. We are now up to 141 tires and Chris has been working on the plans to make them three-dimensional.

On Tuesday we are going on a field trip to see two Earthships located in the hills south of us...the owners have no telephone but I managed to track down who they are and found exact directions...thank you John Sawatsky, Dan Poirier and Joe Scanlon, Carleton Journalism School profs who armed me and my classmates (about 20 years ago!) with basic investigative tools (all legal, of course). We are taking our friends Henry and Lee-Ann who are two of the most super friendly people in the world, and are blessed with the uncanny ability to talk their way into anybody's home. Hopefully we won't freak out these unsuspecting Earthship owners when we turn up on their doorsteps unannounced...I'll have to wear my Martian clothes...


Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Watched the videos at too. Great to see you at Tom & Maria's last night.
Looking forward to further installments.
Cheers, Jan (& Jim)

Anonymous said...

1. Would it be possible to list the earthship houses in BC that you know about?
2. Is there a group of people in BC that are in communication with one another?
3. If there is, please put me on their email list:

Sandra said...

There's a family in Nanaimo that has one (we visited them) and they have built a few in the Kootenays (near Creston?). There's a hybrid earthship near Vernon (on the access road to Silver Star). We've heard of one near Kamloops (I have directions for it!) but nobody is living in it right now. There's two near falkland that I may have directions for..

The best place to meet other people from B.C. is and go to the discussion forums...we started a thread a year ago about our project but it's been a while since anybody posted. I have a list of those people who contacted us; I lost my email program in a virus attack but we did back up the email data...won't know if I can recover it until I get my new laptop in the next few weeks!

Sandra said...

Oh, there is a Earthship BC Facebook page, too!